AYA2019 will be more than a conference. It will be the largest event ever held about ayahuasca, one where our diverse community will come together to plant the seeds for a better future. A unique opportunity to learn, share, experience and network with hundreds of people from from around the world!

Conference Track
In this track, participants will be invited to join a collective journey, listening to presenters from around the world who will share perspectives and stories about ayahuasca and it’s potential for the world. Through keynotes, panels, song, and discussion, this track will travel from the micro to the macro, exploring the potential offered by ayahuasca for individuals, communities, and for living in balance with the earth.

Academic Track
A selection of the newest and most interesting academic research on ayahuasca and related practices. In the academic track, participants will learn about research trends, hear both new voices and seasoned elders, and appreciate the dynamic field that is ayahuasca. Speakers will come together from around the world to share and listen.

Community Track
Knowledge and expertise come in so many forms and the global ayahuasca community is fortunate to have so many inspiring individuals and groups among us. In this track participants will hear stories, tales of adventures, results from community-based research, and observations from the grassroots.

Indigenous Autonomous Space
Based on feedback from AYA2016, this year’s conference will include a dedicated space for indigenous representatives attending the conference. A space where the topics, dialogues, and presentations will be organized and led by representatives from the indigenous world.

Community Dialogues
For the first time, at AYA2019 we will be creating space for the community to come together in dialogue around some of the most important issues of the day. Drawing on themes presented within the conference track, within this space we invite everyone to join the circle, becoming participants in generating knowledge and new ways of seeing. Together.

A carefully curated exhibit of ayahuasca inspired and visionary art. The Visionary Art Gallery will be a special space where attendees can experience artist interpretations of the ineffable, and the beautiful and inspiring layers of ayahuasca visions and practices. Recent works from established and emerging artists will be displayed alongside classic pieces by the late Pablo Amaringo.

AYA Film
A unique selection of audiovisual works will bring viewers into the space of cinematographic art. Documentaries and films screenings will include presentations by directors and panel discussions.

Book presentations
Some say that truth is found in books. We’re pleased to offer a space for authors to present their latest books, publications, and collections to captivate those who know how to appreciate a good story about the role of writing in sharing knowledge.

Pre-conference workshops provide participants with the opportunity to dive in a little deeper, enjoying in-depth sessions on integration, music, and art, and the joy of experiential learning.
Let’s make it official.
Get your ticket to AYA2019
and join the tribe.