Content/Programme Description
We invite you to a unique opportunity to spend the day with the visionary artist Luis Tamani. Join us for an intimate dialogue where Luis will talk about his life, his work, the history and evolution of his art, his inspiration and the message he hopes to share through his art.
Luis will present a slide show of his work and discuss his artistic techniques in detail. He will answer questions about those techniques.
In addition, he will have samples of his art on display and will identify various techniques he used in painting the pieces. Luis will also demonstrate techniques for participants and answer technical questions.
Participants will receive classroom instruction on multiple painting techniques and on cultivating inspiration.
Attendees Requirements
Participants are encouraged to bring their sketchbooks. Recording of the session will be permitted so feel free to bring your cameras and video devices.
Luis Tamani, Peruvian artist from the Amazonian rainforest
Duration/ Schedule
Morning session: 10h – 13h
Lunch: 13h – 15h
Afternoon session: 15h – 18h